Monday , 29 April 2024

Top 8 Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate

Things you must know about Dark Chocolate. Benefits and much more!

Don’t bite off more than you can chew, unless it’s dark chocolate. I guess most of us around here love chocolate.
Few confessions of chocoholics:

  • I thought about giving up on chocolate but I’m not a quitter.
  • A balanced diet is chocolate in both hands.
  • Chocolate is health food for our soul!
  • Chocolates make everything better.
Top 8 Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate
Top 8 Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate

An apple a day keeps the doctor away, nah! Let’s change it to a piece of dark chocolate a day keeps the doctor away.
You might be wondering, really? Yep! Let me go ahead and list out the benefits of including dark chocolate in your diet.

Benefit #1: Everything in Life is Better with Dark Chocolate

  • It helps you lower your risk of heart problems.
  • Just 10 g of dark chocolate is good enough for your heart.
  • It lowers blood pressure and improves blood lipids.
  • It is just 30 calories to your daily diet.
  • However ensure you’re not doing it in excess since it’ll have adverse effects like making you fat.
Everything in Life is Better with Dark Chocolate
Everything in Life is Better with Dark Chocolate

Benefit #2: Happiness is an Unexpected Bar of Dark Chocolate

  • Dark chocolate reduces the stress hormones in your body.
  • It also helps in setting balance between other biochemical imbalances.
  • Pumped up with antioxidant properties many consumers have said that they felt elated after they started including dark chocolate in their diet.
  • Flavonoids present in dark chocolate neutralizes damage caused by the polluted environment and stress.
  • It’s a stress buster.
Happiness is an Unexpected Bar of Dark Chocolate
Happiness is an Unexpected Bar of Dark Chocolate

Benefit #3: All you need is Love and some Dark Chocolate

  • Dark chocolate is filled with all the good stuff – antioxidants, flavonoids.
  • This reduces the chance of blood clot by ensuring good blood circulation.
  • It also prevents bad cholesterol from accumulating in the blood vessels.
  • The darker the chocolate the more the cocoa and higher the benefits.
  • However your chocolate can get bitter as the percentage of cocoa increases.
All you need is Love and some Dark Chocolate
All you need is Love and some Dark Chocolate

Benefit #3: Forget Love! I’d Rather Fall in Melted Dark Chocolate

  • Feeling hungry? It’s time to go grab some dark chocolate.
  • Ditch those junk food like fried chips and cookies.
  • Go for a snack consisting of low fat yogurt, fruits and dark chocolate.
  • This will satisfy your hunger and will keep you full for a longer time.
  • People who have followed this diet and got rid of junk in their lives have claimed that they’ve seen many positive benefits and they feel wonderful as ever.
Forget Love! I’d Rather Fall in Melted Dark Chocolate
Forget Love! I’d Rather Fall in Melted Dark Chocolate

Benefit #5: Me + Dark Chocolate = Forever Together!

  • Dark chocolate is nothing but chocolate containing no milk solids. Be wise when you choose your dark chocolate, because many companies will claim it as dark chocolate even though it’ll contain 60% of sugar in it.
  • Dark chocolate is bitter, it’ll take some time for your taste buds to adjust to this compared to the traditional all sugary chocolate.
  • Try to ward off any food item which is processed and has preservatives and ones that are high in sugar content.
    Chocolate has been voted the number 1 most craved food. Chocolate is awesome! Period.
  • Remember to keep your chocolate away from substances which release strong odor, and always store it in a cool temperature. Ensure you take care of providing protection from air and moisture.
Me + Dark Chocolate = Forever Together!
Me + Dark Chocolate = Forever Together!

Benefit #6: Never ever Underestimate the Power of Dark Chocolate

  • Dark chocolate contains 11 gm of fiber.
  • This regulates bowel movements, lowers cholesterol level and sugar levels.
  • Iron transports oxygen to the rest of the body and is very essential for us. It is present in dark chocolate and helps in maintaining the skin, nails and hair.
  • Reduces insulin resistance which is a common risk factor for diabetics.
Never ever Underestimate the Power of Dark Chocolate
Never ever Underestimate the Power of Dark Chocolate

Benefit #7: The Answer to Everything you’ve Ever been Seeking out is Dark Chocolate

  • Perfect skin and hair care ingredient.
  • It repairs dry skin, swap out the extra cup of coffee and tea with a bar of chocolate and notice in a few weeks
  • that your skin will have an added healthy glow.
  • You can also make scrubs for your body by mixing chocolate, olive oil and sugar. Apply it all over your body and scrub it, this will remove dead cells.
  • It shields your skin from harmful ultra violet rays.
  • Flavonols present in dark chocolate helps your skin to protect itself from sunburn, the redness and other related UV damage.
  • Reduces fine lines and wrinkles
The Answer to Everything you’ve Ever been Seeking out is Dark Chocolate
The Answer to Everything you’ve Ever been Seeking out is Dark Chocolate

Benefit #8: Dark Chocolate is Immortal! Dark Chocolate is Life

  • Make a hair mask using dark chocolate.
  • Mix honey, yogurt and chocolate (unsweetened dark chocolate) and apply it to your hair.
  • Wash it off with cold water after an hour.
  • This promotes hair growth since it’s packed with copper, iron and zinc.
  • Therefore eating chocolate every day and using it in almost everything will increase oxygen and blood flow to the scalp and the skin and makes you healthy and stronger.
Dark Chocolate is Immortal! Dark Chocolate is Life
Dark Chocolate is Immortal! Dark Chocolate is Life

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