Monday , 6 May 2024

Health and Beauty Benefits of Cucumber: Skin, Hair and Health

Beauty Benefits of Cucumber

Cucumber is rich in water and has been included in the list of super foods. It is rich in vitamin B, vitamin K, vitamin C, magnesium, silica, potassium, sodium, amino acids, fatty acids, carbohydrates, biotin, and fiber. It ful-fills the requirement of all essential nutrients that are required by our body.

Beauty Benefits of Cucumber
Beauty Benefits of Cucumber

Thus it promotes healthy functioning of the body. But not just health cucumber also possess hair and skin benefits. Let us get into the details of health and beauty benefits of cucumber.

What are the Health Benefits of Cucumber

Being rich in water, cucumber keeps the body hydrated. It has cooling properties. Along with the nutrients discussed above it also contains phytonutrients such as flavonoids and lignans. The best part is cucumber is it is low in calories. Below is the list of health benefits of cucumber that will persuade you to add cucumber to your daily diet regime.

Health Benefits of Cucumber
Health Benefits of Cucumber

1.Cucumber keeps your Body Hydrated

Besides essential nutrients, cucumber contains 95 percent water. When we eat cucumber the high water content lowers the body temperature and maintains it within the normal range. Also, other nutrients present in cucumbers such as Vitamin A, Vitamin C, fiber and folic acid replenished the nutrients that are lost from the body during dehydration.

Cucumber keeps your Body Hydrated
Cucumber keeps your Body Hydrated

This is the reason why it is advised to eat cucumber during hot weather. During summers you can also make a nutritional drink of cucumber, lemon, and mint in summers to provide the body with electrolytes.

2. Cucumber Cleanses the Body

The rich water content in cucumber flushes away the body toxins and cleanse your body. By removing waste products from our kidney it keeps the kidney clean.

3. Cucumber aids Digestion

As discussed above cucumber is rich in water and fiber. Fiber adds bulk to stool and promotes healthy bowel movements. Drinking a glass of cucumber juice can relieve you from acidity, heartburn, ulcers, and gastritis. Also, cucumber in known to maintain pH balance of the body thus it reduces acidity and relieves acid reflux.

Cucumber aids Digestion
Cucumber aids Digestion

4. Cucumber Promotes Weight Loss

Cucumber, as we discussed, is low in calories and rich in water and fiber. So if you are on a diet regime you may eat cucumber as a snack. It will fill your stomach without adding many calories. Also, it makes you feel full for a longer time and kills your desire to eat again nd again. You may also drink cucumber juice but I personally recommend eating cucumbers as it contains fiber.

5. Cucumber Prevents Cancer

Cucumber contains cucurbitacin, fisetin, lutein and caffeic acid. All these ingredients prevent cancer. Also, lariciresinol and pinoresinol present in cucumber minimize the risk of cancer. Cucumber also contains lignans that minimize the risk of prostate cancer and breast cancer.

Cucumber Prevents Cancer
Cucumber Prevents Cancer

Besides the above health benefits, cucumber promotes body immunity being rich in vitamin C. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and it protects the body from free radical damage.

What are the Beauty Benefits of Cucumber

Cucumber for Skin

cucumber due to its high water content and the cooling effect is known to rejuvenate and hydrate the skin. It is anti-inflammatory thus it prevents acne and pimples. It contains vitamin C. Vitamin C is antioxidant and it delays the signs of aging such as wrinkles by fighting free radical damage.

Cucumber for Skin
Cucumber for Skin

Application of cucumber juice skin removes blemishes, dark circles and also controls the puffiness of eyes. Cucumber removes extra oil from face and so you can also apply it if you have an oily skin. You can also apply cucumber to remove suntan and soothe sun burn.

Cucumber for Hair

Application of cucumber juice on your hairs make your hair shiny, removes dandruff and minimizes hair loss.

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