Wednesday , 8 May 2024

Strategies To Control Hunger/ How To Control Mindless Eating

How To Control Mindless Eating

If you feel hungry all the time even after having a filling meal, means you need to control your hunger in order to maintain a healthy weight. Hunger control not only helps you to lose weight but also prevents the lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, heart diseases, metabolic disorders and hypertension.

How To Control Mindless Eating
How To Control Mindless Eating

No, we are not saying you to starve, but to implement hunger control strategies that will make you eat just required and stop eating mindless.

Strategies To Stop Feeling Hungry

Acknowledge your body

Your body is the best friend you have to live with and so you need to understand and take care of it. Check with your doctor in case you suffer from any hereditary disease, allergies or hormonal issues. Try to find out the triggers that make you hungry such as mood swings and PMS. Once you understand why you eat mindless, you will be able to resolve the issue.

Acknowledge your body
Acknowledge your body

Set a goal

Merely wishing to lose weight will not do any miracle you need to set a goal. Make a realistic goal on how much you want to lose in a month. Give yourself a deadline to the fitness level you want to achieve and stay focused.

Start the day with positivity

Starting your day with positive vibes keeps you alert, productive and energetic throughout the day. After waking up in spite of thinking about past failures, say yourself positive quotes. Positively push yourself to achieve your goal throughout the day.

Never skip your breakfast

It is very important that you need not skip your breakfast. Eat healthy and good breakfast. Make sure that your breakfast contain the portion of healthy fats, proteins and complex carbs that will help your body to stay energized and active throughout the day. Complex carbs in your breakfast keeps you satiated for long duration and also prevent from feeling hungry.

Consuming tea and coffee

We will suggest you to the resort to green tea and coffee to keep yourself energized and active. Green tea and coffee are rich in antioxidants, flushes out the body toxins and acts as appetite suppressant. You may have a cup of green tea an hour before or an hour after your lunch. If you want to avoid caffeine, you can opt for decaf.Consuming tea and coffee

Eat fibre rich food –

Fibres are complex carbohydrates that are not digested by the human. Fibres form a gel like layer in your gut and slows the absorption of nutrients. This way it prevents the insulin spike. In addition, dietary fibre is food for the good gut bacteria that improves the digestion. Dietary fibres encapsulates the fat molecules and prevents the absorption of fat molecules in the body. Make sure to eat whole grain and fresh fruits and vegetables.

Drink lots of water

Many times, we misunderstand our thirst and eat considering it hunger pang. If you just had a filling meal and still feeling hungry most probably, it means that you are thirsty. Drink at least 8 to 9 glasses of water everyday.

Eat small and frequent meals

Make sure to eat in every two to three hours to keep your hunger under the control. Also, the gap of 2 to 3 hours gives your body the time to digest the meal and absorb the nutrients.

Limit the intake of salt

Salt causes water retention and makes you appear bloated. When you eat something very salty, you crave for something sweet and consume extra calories and the cycle goes on.

Quit Junk food

Junk food addiction is dangerous, as it makes your brain to crave for more and more. It leads to unhealthy binging and prevents you from eating healthy fats, protein and fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins and minerals.

Improve your get help with probiotics

A good digestive system keeps most of the health problems at bay. It also prevents indigestion, constipation and bloating. Make a habit of consuming probiotics such as buttermilk or yoghurt rich in good bacteria.

Take a sound sleep –

When you are stressed and unable to sleep, to feel better you eat junk food. Practice yoga and meditation to keep yourself stress free and have a sound sleep. During the daytime take a power nap to refresh yourself.Take a sound sleep

Inculcate the strategies to control hunger and give yourself plenty of love.

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