Wednesday , 29 November 2023

Female Hygiene: Follow the Handy-Dandy Guide For Vaginal Hygiene

Follow the Handy-Dandy Guide For Vaginal Hygiene

The female hygiene means all about to keep your private part of the body clean and healthy. Whether it’s teenage girls or women, many are even not aware of the difference in regular hygiene and intimate hygiene and fail to follow the rules to maintain vaginal health.

Follow the Handy-Dandy Guide For Vaginal Hygiene
Follow the Handy-Dandy Guide For Vaginal Hygiene

 White clear vaginal discharge is a self-cleansing mechanism, considered as normal. The cervix contains some glands that produce a natural lubricant, which moves down your vagina, and helps keep it moist and healthy. Simply vaginal discharge is a natural way of vaginal cleansing and a sign of a healthy vagina.

Here’s What You Need To Know For Vaginal Hygienic

Use A Good Vaginal Wash

Cleaning with ordinary soaps or gels may imbalance pH levels, which lead to itching, odour and infections etc. Always use a dermatological tested intimate wash.

Use A Good Vaginal Wash
Use A Good Vaginal Wash

Take a few drops of a vaginal wash on your palm and dilute it with water. Gently massage the outer part of your vagina, rinse carefully with water. Do not aggressively rubbing that area, lightly pat the area dry with clean cotton cloths.

Wash Outer Surface Of Your Privates Part

When you wash your intimate part, keep one thing in mind that washing your vagina inside can be harmful. As discussed above the vagina has a self-cleaning mechanism, so never wash insides. Wash only the outer surface of your vaginal area like vulva, vaginal lips and around the clitoris.

Never Spray Water Directly Into The Vagina.

Spraying water directly on the vagina is like inviting bacteria. Always pour the water slowly down from the top. Warm water is better to clean that area.  

Wipe Right

Always use a soft, dried and clean towel to wipe up the water. Wipe clean your intimate area from front to the back, especially if you are using vaginal wipes/ napkins

 Wash After Sexual Intercourse

Washing your intimate area before and after sex maintains good hygiene, prevents infection and bacterial growth. Also, make sure that your partner has to maintain genital hygiene. Avoid getting intimate during menstruation as it can cause infection. Especially, if you suffer from bacterial infection and itching problem.

Change Your Sanitary Napkins In 3 To 4 Hours

 Do not use sanitary napkins for more than 4 hours. Change your pad every three to four hours, doing so, keep you feeling clean, fresh and hygienic. Using a single pad for a long time may promote harmful bacteria in your vagina.

Some Basic Practices For Healthy Private/Intimate Hygiene

Use soft, cotton panties every day and fancy for special occasions. Avoid wearing tight jeans, bottoms and pants.

Give panties a rest, sleep in loose shorts if you can, moisture in cotton underwear means promoting bacteria.

Keep yourself hydrated, drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day. As a pH balance controls bacterial infection, drinking more water helps to maintain the pH balance of your vagina.

favorite vaginal wash
favorite vaginal wash

Follow the healthy intimate hygiene by changing sanitary napkins or tampons on time, cleaning them with your favorite vaginal wash.

If you do gym or workouts, make sure that you will not hang out with sweaty panties that invite bacteria to your personal home. Replace it immediately.

Maintain good hygiene during the period, pH balancing feminine wash and mix Apple cider vinegar to your bathwater and soak in it for few minutes, reduce bacterial infections keep your vaginal clean as well as protect it from bad smell.

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