Tuesday , 23 April 2024

Foods Breast Feeding Mother Should Avoid

Foods Breast Feeding Mother Should Avoid

Being a mom is a responsibility. A nursing mother should always know what she should eat and what foods she should avoid. There are certain foods experts advise should be very limited or avoided by nursing mothers as they reduce milk supply, make child fussy, and irritable or cause allergy. It is essential for nursing moms to know such foods. We have compiled foods a breastfeeding mother should avoid. Check out and avoid them.

Foods Breast Feeding Mother Should Avoid
Foods Breast Feeding Mother Should Avoid

Foods Breastfeeding Mother Should Avoid or limit

1. Breast Feeding Mother Should Avoid Fish High In Mercury-

We do not advise you to avoid eating fish entirely. But, if you are a nursing mother you need to be little selective with the type of seafood you are consuming. Mercury will find its way to the milk supply so avoid fishes rich in mercury such as shark, swordfish, tile fish and king mackerel.High level of mercury in the milk of nursing moms may affect the neurological development of the baby.

 Breast Feeding Mother Should Avoid Fish High In Mercury
Breast Feeding Mother Should Avoid Fish High In Mercury

2. Breast Feeding Mother Should Avoid Caffeine-

Baby’s body is unable to process caffeine quickly. The accumulated coffee in little one’s body leads to sleeplessness, crankiness and irritation. Also, a high level of coffee lowers the level of iron in mother’s milk,and this may decrease the level of hemoglobin in the baby. So, better cut down the intake of coffee.

3. Breast Feeding Mother Should Avoid Garlic-

Consumption of garlic by breastfeeding moms will make the taste of milk little garlicky. Your child may not like the smell and taste. Garlic intake is safe for the little one,but if the little one is rejecting your milk because of garlicky taste, you need to avoid garlic.

Breast Feeding Mother Should Avoid Garlic
Breast Feeding Mother Should Avoid Garlic

4. Breast Feeding Mother Should Avoid Chocolate-

Chocolate is rich in theobromine which has a similar effect on the body as caffeine. Due to its consumption, your baby may become cranky. Consumption of more than 750 theobromine or caffeine by nursing mother may make her baby behave fussily,and also baby may suffer from sleep issues.

5. Breast Feeding Mother Should Avoid High Intake of Vitamin C-

Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant and boosts body immunity. But baby’s gastrointestinal tract is immature. Consumption of lots of vitamin C rich food may lead to fussiness, diaper rash, spitting up and more.

Breast Feeding Mother Should Avoid High Intake of Vitamin C
Breast Feeding Mother Should Avoid High Intake of Vitamin C

6. Breast Feeding Mother Should Avoid Peppermint and parsley-

Both the herbs if taken in a considerable amount by the nursing mothers reduce the breast milk supply. Monitor the supply of breast milk whenever you eat these herbs. Peppermint tea is advised to the mothers who are thinking to wean the baby and to stop milk production. So avoid peppermint and parsley if you are a nursing mom for at least 1-2 years after baby’s birth until you plan to wean the little one.

7. Breast Feeding Mother Should Avoid Spicy Foods-

Spicy foods irritate babies,and they may be fussy for a long time. If you notice that your little one is uncomfortable when you feed him/her after consumption of spicy food, better lessen spices in your food.

8. Breast Feeding Mother Should Avoid Shellfish and Egg-

If there is a family history of allergy to seafood or eggs, it may pose a risk to your infant. So if there is someone in your family who is allergic to egg or shellfish better avoid both as a precautionary step.

9. Breast Feeding Mother Should Avoid Peanuts-

If there is someone in the family who is allergic to peanuts avoid peanuts till you nurse your baby. Peanuts have allergic protein due to which your baby may suffer from wheezing, rashes and hives. If the baby is allergic to peanuts than eating even a few peanuts will pass the allergens to the breast milk and may harm the baby.

Breast Feeding Mother Should Avoid Peanuts
Breast Feeding Mother Should Avoid Peanuts

10. Breast Feeding Mother Should Avoid Grassy Foods-

Consumption of grassy foods such as cabbage, cauliflower, onion and cucumber by nursing mother may cause gastric problems in the baby.

11. Breast Feeding Mother Should Avoid Corn-

Little one may be allergic to corn which is very common in babies and newborns. You need to observe this and eliminate corn from your diet if you find your baby is allergic to it.

Breast Feeding Mother Should Avoid Corn
Breast Feeding Mother Should Avoid Corn

Wheat is the staple food in many countries. But if your baby has gluten intolerance, nursing mom needs to avoid wheat until she weans her child. Symptoms of gluten intolerance include sensitive tummy, bloody stool and fussiness.

If your child is showing symptoms of food allergy then to find out the specific food your child is allergic too eliminate all common problem causing foods from your diet and then gradually introduce them one by one and observe. You will find the one to which your child is allergic,and you need to eliminate it.

A Piece Of Advise On What Foods A Breast Feeding Mother Should Avoid

Before you decide to avoid any food once meet your doctor. So that nutritional imbalance is not created. Also, keep a close eye on your little once behavior towards specific food. If after consuming particular foods and then breastfeeding your baby you find symptoms such as rashes, congestion, diarrhea take medical advice regarding your should discontinue that particular food or not.

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