Categories: Diet and Exercise

Exercises to Get Rid of Love Handles

How to Get Rid of Love Handles

Love handles are not that cute in their appearance as are the names. Its a fancy term for fat you are carrying, and they make you feel shy and prohibit you from wearing your favourite dress. Do not worry we have home remedies to get rid of love handles. Have a look.

How to Get Rid of Love Handles

7 Exercise to get rid of love handles

1.Bird Dog Crunches

This is an exercise to help you lose fat. Extend your right arm in front of you and stretch your left leg behind you.It might seem a balance challenge for you, but with practice, you will find it easy. Bring your leg and arm back in making your elbow and knee meet. Stay in this position for 10 seconds. Repeat this process ten times and then continue with the other side as well.

Bird Dog Crunches

2. Spiderman Crunch

It is a variation of a regular push up. Begin with a push-up position. Lift your right leg while lowering yourself down and proceed to bring your right knee to your elbow. While coming up continue to bring your right leg back to the starting position. Repeat the same with the left side. Repeat the complete exercise for ten times.

Spiderman Crunch

3.Cross Body Mountain Climber

Get into plank or pushup position. Move your right knee toward your left elbow. Proceed to lower and raise your left knee towards your right elbow. You start off slowly and then try to move as quickly as you can. This is a great move to get your body moving. In no time at all, you’ll be able to bid those love handles adieu.

Cross Body Mountain Climber

4.Single Leg Toe Touch

Lie flat with your back touching ground and legs outstretched in front of you. Keep your arms overhead. From there, you proceed to lift your left leg into the air with your leg slightly bent at the knee. Try to keep this position right through the move.

Single Leg Toe Touch

When contracting your abdominal muscles, move your right arm to reach up and touch your left foot. Continue to do this for about ten repetitions. Switch sides for another ten repetitions and try to complete 3 or 4 sets.

5. Around the world Obliques

Stand with your legs wider than your shoulder width, toes tucked out by just a slight amount, and your tailbone tucked in. With a light weight in your hands, 5 pounds is just fine, extend your arms straight above your head as far as you can.

Around the world Obliques

Then bend at the hips and reach out to the right as far as you possibly can. When you can’t reach any further, rotate towards the floor and twist your body back to front, exhaling while returning to the centre.This exercise helps to target the area of your love handles, getting rid of them immediately.

5.Try the Bicycle Move

The bicycle move was explicitly designed to get rid of love handles, and it can incorporate as part of your workout sessions quite easily. This exercise targets love handles by forcing you to keep you shifting from side to side. Stress is laid on your oblique muscles, so this helps to get rid of love handles easily.

Try the Bicycle Move

Lie on your back and raise your legs in the air. Support this by placing your elbows beneath your lower back, so your legs are lifted entirely off the ground. Perform cycling motions with your legs in the air.

6.Plank up downs

The simple plank position is also a great way to bust love handles. Ensure that you pull your abs in tight and squeeze you but in tight for best results. Repeat three or four sets of ten repetitions each day. This will help to reduce the likelihood of love handles cropping up again.

Plank up downs

7.Side Plank Crunches

Begin on your right elbow with your right foot slightly ahead of your left. Keep your core muscles tightened right through the exercise. Pull your right knee in towards your chest and crunch your left elbow towards it. Bring yourself back to plank position. Do this in three sets with 10 or 12 repetitions. This exercise targets your love handles ridding you of them immediately.

Side Plank Crunches

Food Habits.

Fight love handles by avoiding sugary foods. Cutting out on that doughnut you love, might just help you lose love handles. It is a choice of which love you want. Sugar in processed food is terrible for your health. The easiest way to avoid sugar is to choose veggies, fruits, nuts and proteins such as fish along with the chicken. Eating smaller meals during the day are also found to be somewhat helpful. Instead of skipping meals to shed pounds, chose smaller meals.

Get Better Sleep

If you aren’t of the kind that believes in working out to get rid of your love handles, then make specific lifestyle changes. You can begin by getting better sleep. Staying up too late can result in cortisol overproduction and weight gain precisely around the middle. This gives rise to love handles that none of us wants to keep. Start by getting seven or eight hours of sleep every night, and you’ll notice quite a change in your overall well being. Eliminate stress by having regular sleep patterns.

Beat love handles quickly; there’s no room for them no matter how cute you make them sound. It all boils down to how badly you want to get rid of them. Drives of any kind are of the vile sort of these simple love handles!

Published by
Dr. Ritu Kumari Gupta

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