Thursday , 16 May 2024

5 Skincare Tips To Improve Your Skin Quality During Summers

Summertime for hydration time for your skin. The scorching heat and humid sun can be intolerant, especially to your skin. Pollution and other environmental factors take away your skin’s natural glow, making it oily, dull, blemished and acne-prone skin. In this article, you will understand how summer affects the quality of your skin and what can be done to make your skin radiant and healthy.

How Summer Affects Your Skin Quality?

High temperatures during the summer season which is combined with humidity and heat, can increase your sebaceous gland’s activity. This increase in sebum makes your skin appear oilier and drier skin appears to be rough, patchy and scaly. The increase in the intensity of the UV rays can cause your skin to tan because your skin produces more melanin pigments. The heat and intense radiation also causes more opening of pores, which gets clogged with dirt and oil, traps acne-causing bacteria which causes acne, pimples, and blemishes on the face, back and chest.

What You Can Do During This Scorching Summer To Take Care Of Your Skin:

Following are the changes you can make during summers

5 Skincare Tips To Improve Your Skin Quality During Summers
5 Skincare Tips To Improve Your Skin Quality During Summers

1. Consider A Mild And Hydrating Face Wash:

  • When you move from winter to summer, your skin changes and needs a different approach in treating the specific skin conditions. So, you should remember to change your face wash. Because in winters, a nourishing face wash would do the trick, while in summers, you need a face wash that draws out the excess oil from your pores and keeps your skin clean and hydrated.
  •  If you are a dry skin person, then consider using a non-foaming face wash.
  • Non-foaming cleansers also are ideal for combination skin as well.
  • Do not use face wash frequently to wash your face but you can use water plenty of times during the day to keep your skin clean and refreshed.

2. Use Antioxidants In Your Skin Care Routine:

  • Use a good antioxidant serum or cream as per your skin type during the summer. It not only hydrates your skin, but it can also protect your skin barrier from environmental damage like free radicals.
  •  It also helps to boost collagen production and acts as a scavenger against harmful free radicals which prevents skin damage.
  • Remember to include antioxidants in your skincare regimen as well as to your diet. Increase intake of citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and green tea to have younger-looking skin.

3. Maintain Your Skin Hydration

  • Make sure to increase your hydration levels as summer is the time when your skin requires balanced moisture as well as hydration.
  • Use a good hydrating mask which you can use a couple of times every week. First cleanse your face followed by toning and then apply the mask as directed at night to repair, hydrate, and soothe the inflammation in your skin.
  • These hydrating masks can treat certain skin conditions like dryness, acne, excessive oil production, etc.
  • Pick the mask as per your need and spend 10 minutes to wipe away the stress, fatigue, and blemishes from the skin.

4. Always Wear Sunscreen

Always Wear Sunscreen
Always Wear Sunscreen
  1. Always wear sunscreen no matter what the weather is but during summers Sunscreen should be your best friend.
  2. Choose a sunscreen which has a broad ultraviolet spectrum which should be between 30-50 SPF and should cover UVA and UVB radiations of the sun.
  3. Make sure to reapply every three hours if you are out in the sun.
  4. Also cover your neck, hands, feet, and shoulders as well.

5. Use A Toning Mist

  • Using a good toner can help to clean the buildup of products and makeup from your pores.
  • Toners are great to use in summers to prevent the accumulation of oil in the pores.
  • Usually, the t-zone of the face has active sebaceous glands and looks the slickest in the summer months. So, Pay attention to the t-zone during summer by using toner which has cooling and hydrating effects on your face.
  • You can use cucumber or aloe-based toners as they are light and refreshing.

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