Friday , 26 April 2024

What Is Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder: Causes Symptoms and Treatment

What Is Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder

For women who is suffering from persistent genital arousal disorder experiencing spontaneous orgasm that do not resolve is quite uncomfortable. PGDA is an ongoing stress and pain make it tough for a female to carry everyday task. Let us learn in detail about persistent genital arousal disorder.

What Is Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder
What Is Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder

What Is Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder?

Persistent genital arousal disorder is a phenomenon where the female experiences spontaneous genital arousal and unresolved orgasm. This condition is triggered by non-sexual or sexual stimuli and can affect female of any age. However, the experts have not confirmed the incidence of persistent genital arousal disorder. Reasons behind may be that most of the female suffering from this condition are ashamed and embarrassed to seek any kind of medical help.

What Are The Symptoms Of Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder?

Symptoms of persistent genital disorder is the series of uncomfortable sensations in and around the genital tissue, that includes labia, vagina, perineum, anus and clitoris. The experienced sensations are termed as dysesthesias.

The symptoms include are as follows:

• Burning
• Wetness
• Pressure
• Pins and needles
• Pounding
• Itching

The female suffering from persistent genial arousal disorder consistently feels these symptoms as if she is experiencing orgasm or the symptoms may be present in waves of spontaneous orgasm. The most important point to note is that the symptoms are present in the absence of sexual desire. The symptoms are temporarily alleviated by climaxing but returns within a few hours. The episodes of intense arousal may happen several times in a day for weeks, months and even years.

Secondary symptoms of Persistent genital arousal disorder

Persistent genital arousal disorder may lead to psychological issues due to day to day discomfort and impact. The secondary psychological symptoms may include:

• Anxiety
• Panic attacks
• Distress
• Frustration
• Depression
• Guilt
• Insomnia

Females with incurable and chronic persistent genital arousal disorder eventually do not find any sexual pleasure because orgasm becomes associated with relieving pain instead of being and enjoyable experience.

What Is The Difference Between PGDA, PSAS and Priapism?

There is a similar condition in males termed as Priapism. It is important to know the difference between persistent genital arousal disorder and Priapism. Priapism is unrelenting and persistent penis erection with the absence of sexual desire.
Persistent genital arousal disorder is often confused with persistent sexual arousal syndrome. The difference between is PGDA is not associated with the elevated need for sexual gratification on hypersexuality but PSAS is associated with active sexual desire.

What Causes Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder?

Exact cause of persistent genital arousal syndrome is not known but stress, anxiety,masturbation and sexual stimulation may trigger this condition. In a few females going to toilet may lead to severe arousal and can be painful. Experts believe that the onset of PGDA is a psychological condition. The person suffering from PGAD is usually unable to identify and avoid the trigger but, in most of case, the stresscauses onset.

What Causes Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder
What Causes Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder

Once stress is elevated, the condition improves. Research has also found a link between persistent genital arousal disorder and chemical, nervous and hormonal imbalance after the use of certain medications. Tarlov cyst may also lead to PGAD or it maybe secondary symptom of trauma, epilepsy and Tourette’s syndrome.

How Is Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder Diagnosed?

Medical science has recently classified persistent genital arousal syndrome as a distinct syndrome. As the cause is unknown it is difficult to diagnose this condition. However, there are 5 criteria to diagnose this condition.

How Is Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder Diagnosed
How Is Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder Diagnosed

• Involuntary clitoral and genital arousal that continues for hours, days or months.
• The cause behind PGAD is not identified
• Genital arousal is not associated with sexual desire
• The persistent genital arousal feels unwanted and intrusive genital arousal do not go away even after one or more orgasm.

How Is Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder Treated?

As the cause of persistent genital arousal disorder is unknown, it becomes tough to manage the symptoms. In most of the cases, psychological treatment such as cognitive behavioural therapy is done to identify the triggers and provide distraction techniques and coping mechanism. Cognitive behavioural therapy helps to manage anxiety, stress, depression and other stimuli that worsens or accompany the symptoms. Females with persistent genital arousal disorder can manage discomfort and pain by application of ice to the pelvic area. Alternatively, she can also take ice bath. Topical painkillers also available and can be applied to the skin to relieve the symptoms. Your healthcare provider may also prescribed certain medications to relieve the symptoms of PGAD.

Can Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder Prevented?

As the cause of genital arousal, disorder is not known it is tough to prevent the onset of this condition.
If you suspect yourself suffering from PGDA do not feel embarrassed and seek medical attention as soon as possible. This condition cannot be cured but the symptoms can be managed through medications and therapies to improve the quality of life.

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