Sunday , 5 May 2024

Possible Causes Of Pelvic Pain In Females

How to Reduce Pelvic Pain In Females 

The pain in the lowest part of the abdomen between the belly button and groin is termed as pelvic pain. In females pelvic pain is a symptom of food intolerance ovulation menstrual cramps and a number of gastrointestinal and other reproductive diseases. Pelvic pain may also be an indication of infection industrial style attract or reproductive system in the area.

How to Reduce Pelvic Pain In Females 
How to Reduce Pelvic Pain In Females

Common Causes Of Pelvic Pain In Females

Menstrual Cramps or Pain

It is the most common pelvic pain in females. In most of the menstrual disorders pelvic pain is the most common experience. About half of the females experience menstrual pain for the first 1-2 days in each cycle. Also menstrual cramping is experienced before periods start due to uterus contraction check with lining.


Painful sensation on one side of the pelvis in the middle of the menstrual cycle is mostly due to ovulation. When a female ovulate the ovary release an egg and some fluid. The discomfort caused last only for a few minutes to few hours. The pain is temporary and switch the side depending on which ovary has released the egg.

Interstitial Cystitis

Interstitial cystitis is bladder inflammation. It cause pelvic pain and other symptoms such as pain during urination, frequent urge to urinate and pain during the sex. The causes is not clear and the treatment includes managing the symptoms.

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Pelvic inflammatory disease is infection that occurs in the women and damages the surrounding tissues. It happens if the bacteria from the cervix or vagina reaches womb and cause infection. It is mostly a complication of gonorrhoea and chlamydia. The symptoms include pelvic pain, abnormal bleeding and vaginal discharge. It increases the risk of a female infertility. The treatment includes antibiotic in early stages.


Endometriosis occurs when the tissues that line the womb from inside grows outside the womb. During periods due to the hormonal changes the tissue outside the uterus cause inflammation in the pelvis. The pain may vary from mild to severe. The treatment depends on the severity of the symptoms.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Sexually transmitted diseases leads to pelvic inflammatory disease and pelvic pain. The Other symptoms include bleeding between periods, painful urination and changes in the vaginal discharge. The treatment of STD depends upon the type of infection but it can be prevented from spreading by practicing safe sex.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome is the gastrointestinal disorder marked with symptoms such as pelvic pain, diarrhoea, constipation and bloating. There is no cure but symptoms can be managed through diet, medications and stress relieving exercises.

Ectopic Pregnancy –

If the embryo implants itself outside the uterus and starts growing it results in ectopic pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancy cause cramps in pelvis and sharp pain, which is usually focused on one side. Other symptoms include vaginal bleeding, dizziness and nausea. Immediate medical care is important as the condition may be life threatening.

Ovarian Cyst

If the ovary fails to release egg it leads to pelvic pain, pressure and bloating on one side of the body. The ovarian cyst is non-cancerous and resolves on its own. However, in some cases it may bust and bleed causing severe pain and may require immediate medical attention.


A malignant tumour growth is rare in the urinary tract, gastrointestinal system or in reproductive system that may cause pelvic pain. The symptoms and possible treatment depends upon the appearance and diagnosis.


Fibroid s are lumps of fibrous tissues and muscles within the uterus. It is non-cancerous growth. In most of the cases, it do not cause any symptom. However if fibroid s grow they may cause pain and discomfort in pelvis along with the pain during sex. In some cases, it cause excessive bleeding and cramping during menstruation. Fibroid s may not require any treatment or may require treatment depending upon their size and symptoms.

Pelvic Adhesion

Pelvic adhesion is a scar tissue that occurs inside the body and connects two tissues. It results in pain because the two tissues should not be connected and so the body has to adapt the adhesion. The scar tissue may be formed due to endometriosis or any old infection in the pelvic area. The symptoms depend upon the scar tissue appearance. The treatment includes minimally invasive surgery.

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