Monday , 29 April 2024

Top Home Remedies for Bug Bites

Home Remedies for Bug Bites

With warm weather comes the bugs, the mosquitoes that bite us and which results in an insatiable itch. You’re left with a heinous bump and also an itch which seems to last forever. You wouldn’t want to run to the nearest doctor’s clinic or to a med store asking for some ointment to cure you and relieve you of the pain and itch. There are simple home remedies which come to your rescue. Here I will discuss about those remedies which come handy when you have a bug bite.

Home Remedies for Bug Bites
Home Remedies for Bug Bites

Home Remedy #1: Heat

Heat gives a temporary relief from that nagging itch.
You can either use a warm cloth or take a hot shower or even blow hot air using a blow dryer.
But this will give only temporary relief, the itching sensation is bound to come back after some time.

Home Remedy #2: Cold

This is similar to heat therapy.
Take a cold water shower or take a cold ice pack and keep it over your bug bite.
The drop in temperature will make your skin go numb and thus the itching sensation will stop.

itching sensation
Itching Sensation

Home Remedy #3: Baking Soda

If you have an infinite number of bites all over your body then I would suggest you go for a baking soda bath.
Add a cup of baking soda in a tub of warm water and hop in and relax inside it.
Once you come out don’t dry up using a towel, instead air dry yourself.
If you don’t want to do this you can make a paste using baking soda and water and apply it over your body.

Top Home Remedies for Bug Bites
Top Home Remedies for Bug Bites

Home Remedy #4: Oatmeal

Oatmeal works wonders on the skin.
You can apply the oatmeal mask all over your body and take a shower.
This will give you an instant relief from that itch and burning sensation.
Plain steel cut oats are suggested for best results.
It moisturizes the area and also soothe your skin.

Home Remedy #5: Mud

While you’re camping away from home and unsure of what bug bit you, to relieve yourself from that itch immediately you can apply a thin layer of mud.
Mud is also known to give instant relief from sunburns.

Home Remedy #6: Honey

Honey is useful in many ways.
It can be treated to moisturize the skin and is also known to relieve you from bug bites.
Just apply a dab of honey over those bug bites for instant relief.

Home Remedy #7: Citrus

Citrus fruits are anti itch and also anti-bacterial in nature.
Just apply some lemon juice over your skin or rub the peel directly.
It will burn slightly but will provide great relief after some time.

Home Remedy #8: Rubbing Alcohol

You can apply some alcohol over the itchy area using a cotton.
This will clean the bite and will also dull the itch.

Home Remedy #9: Vinegar

Vinegar is a great replacement to alcohol.
You can go for apple cider vinegar, if not any available ones.
Just use some cotton and apply vinegar over the spot where the bug has bitten to get instant relief.

Home remedies tips for bug bites
Home remedies tips for bug bites

Please remember you must never scratch the bug bite because it will never heal, try slapping yourself elsewhere to divert your mind from itching. Try these home remedies and check out if the itch and bug bite reduces in a day or two. If not consult a doctor. Do you have any other household tips for bug bites? Please let me know by commenting on the article. I would be more than happy to include your ideas in my article.

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