Tuesday , 14 May 2024

Fashion Trends at Pub Culture


Generally we feel relaxed when partying at such places. We want our self to be as comfortable as we can at these cool times. At the same time we can add a style of attitude. Boys can sport a retro look when dropped at such parties with just a branded three fourth shorts and a half sleeve polo-tee on top. You can also add-up another unbuttoned shirt on top. A wrist band of your choice at the medium size, but doesn’t wear ornaments.

Fashion Trends at Pub Culture
Fashion Trends at Pub Culture

Sneakers for the foot complete the retro look. Girls can wear a half sleeve T-shirt with denims at the bottom. Don’t forget to wear a trendy looking neck bracelet of non ornamental. Casual slippers are enough to complete the party girl. Of all the above it also counts on how you style up your hair and facial. Boys can look good with a French beard and spiky hairs if not leave it loose. Girls just leave your hairs free with simple ear hanging but not too long. After all it demands to be part of attitude in pub culture for the current trends to make up as said above. Beach hangout or party at a beach would follow the same above trend. But if you are swimming or diving don’t forget to carry swim suits with you.

Pub Culture
Pub Culture

Fashion at Traditional and Cultural Events

When the special moments come in your life for example say a marriage. It’s a once in a life time event. Everyone is much bothered about their outfit at the special day. To mention a bride is more concerned about her outfit selection more than her match selection, lovers you’re omitted from my former sentence.

India is a country of many cultures and traditions. So many castes and creeds which have their own pre-formatted attire code which is a must to follow. People living in metros and cities are adapting to the latest trends irrespective of their culture. Many bridal collection stores have been aroused in major cities. People can just drop in there to seek an expert advice to get their perfect outfit. Be conscious about the makeup part. An imperfect makeup with a perfect outfit would land up your wedding show in a disaster and the poor wedding photographer will be blamed for entire life time while seeing those photographs.

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