Friday , 26 April 2024

Top 10 Super Awesome Stress Busting Food!

Super Foods to Stress Busting

Are you stressed out?
Worried about some deadline or a project meeting, a never ending to do list? Or are you worried about all the unnecessary things? Worry is a misuse of imagination. One can overcome stress easily by keeping the mind calm by following a very healthy lifestyle which involves munching on good food as well as exercising and keeping the body fit.

Stressed spelled backwards is desserts. Apparently most of us resort to eating junk and sugary stuff when we are stressed out. This isn’t a good idea because it is not going to help you in any way, it will only make things worse for you. You are what you eat, by carefully picking what you eat one can battle stress by choosing those food items which actually enhance your mood.

Top 10 Super Awesome Stress Busting Food!
Top 10 Super Awesome Stress Busting Food!

I would like to list those food items which will help you fight stress and enhance your mood instantly. Here you go:

1.Sweet Potatoes

  •  Sweet potatoes are rich in nutrients that makes you feel fuller for a long time.
  • Usually when one is stressed out they crave for carbohydrates and other sugary snacks. Sweet potatoes are the best alternative for these cravings.
Sweet Potatoes
Sweet Potatoes


  • sparagus is high in folic acid which enhances your mood and also helps in keeping your cool.
  • It is the perfect snack one must munch on when placed in a tense situation.


  • Oranges are known to have good amount of Vitamin C which helps in reducing stress as well as reduce high blood pressure.
  • It also helps in bringing back cortisol to normal level after you’ve been battling through stress.
  • Vitamin C found in orange also helps the body to boost the immune system and build your body back.


  • Avocados are rich in glutathione which acts as great stress busters.
  • It also blocks intestinal absorption of fats that cause oxidative damage.
  • It contains more folate than any other fruits which will enhance your mood instantly.

5.Fatty fish

  • Salmon, sardines and tuna help in managing adrenaline levels which helps one to be calm and cool.
Fatty fish
Fatty fish


  • Turkey is rich in amino acids which triggers the release of serotonin in the brain – feel good hormone.
  • It is proven to have a calming effect on those who eat it.


  • Berries are loaded with antioxidants and vitamin C.
  • These are the perfect food for repairing and protecting cells.
  • They are high in fiber and are also have low calories which makes it a perfect snack.


  • A glass of milk before you go to bed has proven to improve your sleep cycle i.e it helps fight insomnia and fidgetiness.
  • Milk is rich in antioxidants, protein and vitamin B2 and B12 which has a calming effect on the body by lowering the blood pressure.


  • Carrots, celery and other crunchy vegetables all are natural stress busters which help your body cope with stress.
  • It is also low in calories which makes it as a perfect snack to munch on.


  • Spinach is rich in magnesium which helps regulate cortisol levels.
  • Spinach is proven to have a comforting effect on the body.

That’s it fellas! Now you know what you must munch on when you’re stressed out! Throw those junk snacks away and replace them with these stress busting buddies. You will feel awesome and you’ll be able to cope up and deal with things! Do try it out and let me know how you felt about it. Do you have an experience to share it across to me? Please leave a comment, I shall be more than happy to hear your story! Have a great day lovelies! Keep smiling!

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