Monday , 20 May 2024

Boil on Private Area or Vaginal Boil:Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Home Remedies

Boil on Private Area or Vaginal Boil:

If you are a female currently suffering from boil on vaginal lip you must be in pain and discomfort. But as your suffering is related to intimate parts, you better decide to remain silent and wait for the boil on vaginal lip to heal by itself. Your embarrassment and shyness may not let you talk about this problem

Vaginal Lip or Vaginal Boil
Vaginal Lip or Vaginal Boil

even to your doctor. A few of you must be looking for the solutions online. And so here is our our article on the boil on vaginal lip to help you out. Read it till the end and try the home remedies mentioned to get rid of the symptoms and treat your condition as soon as possible.

What is a Boil on Vaginal Lip or Vaginal Boil

Any boil that is localized on the outer labia is defined as a boil on vagina lip. Like boil on any other part of the body, it appears as a raised lump filled with pus and surrounding red area of inflammation.

Boil on Vaginal Lip or Vaginal Boil
Boil on Vaginal Lip or Vaginal Boil

What are the Symptoms of a Boil on Private Area or Vaginal Boil

Except the fact that it is located on the vaginal labia boil on vaginal lip is just like boil on any other body part. In its early stage it appears as a tender red lump that with the time becomes hard and tender. Finally, it softens and pus gets accumulated in the center. Because of its occurrence on intimate part it becomes the cause of discomfort while sitting, walking, urinating or having sex.

Symptoms of a Boil on Vaginal Lip or Vaginal Boil
Symptoms of a Boil on Vaginal Lip or Vaginal Boil

What are the Causes of Boil on Private Area or Vaginal Boil

The common cause of boil on vaginal lip is the ingrown hairs. Other causes are infected sweat glands, injury or poor hygiene. Occurrence of boil on vaginal lip again and again may be an indication of underlying health issues such as diabetes.

What is the Treatment of Vaginal Boil

Vaginal boil should not be left untreated for a long time or the infection may spread. To treat it pus should be drained completely. Your doctor may also prescribe antibiotics for this purpose. There are ways to manage boil on vaginal lip at home. Let’s learn about them in brief.

5 Home Remedies for Boil on Private Area or Vaginal Boil

1.Warm Compress

This is the best home treatment to soften and drain the pus. For this you need a bowl of boiling water and a cotton swab. Add a half teaspoon of salt to the water. Soak the cotton swab in the water and wring it to remove the excess of water. Place the swab over the boil for a few seconds. Repeat this for about 10 minutes. Warm compress the affected area 3-4 times in day. Soon, the outer layer of the boil will soften and form head and burst.

Warm Compress
Warm Compress

2.Garlic and Onion Juice

Both garlic and onion is effective antibacterial. When used together they fasten the healing. Crush a few pods of garlic and onion slices. With the help of a cheesecloth extract the juice. With the help of a cotton swab, apply this juice to the boil 3-4 times in a day until it heals.

3.Castor Oil

It is a safe to get rid of boil on vaginal lip. It is anti-inflammatory and also relieves from pain and discomfort. Being antibacterial and antiviral it also prevents the spread of secondary infection. With the help of a cotton swab, apply castor oil to the affected part 3timesin a day. In just 2-3 days pus will drain out from the boil.

4.Betel Leaves

Betel leaves contain tannin and phenol. Both the compounds make it powerful antiseptic and antibacterial. Crush a betel leaf and add a few drops of castor oil to it. Apply the paste over the boil and leave it overnight. Repeat this until you get rid of boil on the vaginal lip completely.

Betel Leaves
Betel Leaves

5.Margosa Leaves

Since ages, margosa leaves have been used to treat skin disease. It is antiseptic and antibacterial. Crush a few margosa leaves and apply to the affected part. Repeat this for a few days and you will get the desired result.

Margosa Leaves
Margosa Leaves

In most of the cases home remedies are alone sufficient to soften the boil on vaginal lip and drain it. But in the case the outer covering do not soften and the drainage of pus at home is not possible at home do not feel shy to meet your doctor. Also, if boil on vaginal lip occurs again and again, do consult your doctor as it may be an indication of some underlying health issues.

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