Monday , 20 May 2024

Powerful Yoga Asanas That Will Strengthen Your Bones

Yoga Asanas That Will Strengthen Your Bones

As we start to age our bones become brittle and there is constant pain in our joints as well. Yoga helps in reducing the symptoms of joint pain and strengthen our bones as well thereby preventing the occurrence of osteoporosis in old age.

Yoga Asanas That Will Strengthen Your Bones
Yoga Asanas That Will Strengthen Your Bones

Yoga helps in preventing osteoporosis and keeps bones healthy

Osteoporosis is a condition where the bones becomes weak and there is constant fear of fractured bones. As we age, the bone density starts decreasing that results in brittle bones. Lack of calcium and vitamin D also leads to osteoporosis as we age.

Here are some powerful yoga asanas that helps in strengthening our bones and helps in bringing balance in our body so that there is less chance of fractures during old age. Start slowly and then do these asanas regularly in your daily routine to bring strength in your bones.

1#Warrior Pose

Warrior pose or Virbhadrasana helps in strengthening the arms, spine and legs along with your muscles and bones. It also leads to proper blood circulation in the body and treats hormonal imbalance as well. For this asana, you need to stand on the floor and then widen your legs. Keep one foot forward with toe pointing towards outside. The arch of your left foot should be in line with your right foot. Now lower down your hips and stretch out your arms in line with your shoulders with all your energy. Now stay in this pose for about few seconds and then come back to the standing position. Repeat this pose to the other side.

2#Standing Forward Bend

Padahastasana helps in strengthening the back and improves reproductive system

This asana is also known as Padahastasana and is very helpful in toning and strengthening the bones in your lower back and legs. It also improves the reproductive system and improves hormonal imbalances in the body. Just do it easily and do not stress yourself too much in the beginning. For this asana you need to stand straight and place your palms on your hips.

Padahastasana helps in strengthening the back and improves reproductive system
Padahastasana helps in strengthening the back and improves reproductive system

Breathe in and bend forward going down towards your feet so that your hands are holding your feet or touching the ground. Stay in this position for few seconds and stretch your muscles as much as you can easily. Return back to the standing position and then repeat this asana for atleast 5-10 times increasing it slowly as you progress.

3#Extended Side Angle Pose

Also known as Utthita Parsvakonasana is helpful in stretching and strengthening the muscles in the arms and the back. It improves the reproductive system along with hormonal balance and also increases the absorption of vitamin D and calcium in the bones. For this asana, place your legs and hips wide apart and then twist your right foot so that your toe remains pointed outwards. Now lower down your hips and stretch out your arms so that right arm touches the right foot and left arm is extended upward. Now keep your neck up looking towards the ceiling and breathe. Remain in this position for few seconds and then come back to your normal standing position. Repeat the same on the other side. Do this asana 3-4 times in a day on regular basis to keep your spine and bones healthy.

4#Dolphin Pose

It helps in releasing the stress that is trapped in the spine

Also known as Ardha Pincha Mayurasana helps in releasing all the stress that is trapped in your spine and gives your muscles and hamstrings a good stretch. It also helps in improving the blood flow in the body and cures all the hormonal imbalances.

It helps in releasing the stress that is trapped in the spine
It helps in releasing the stress that is trapped in the spine

For this asana you need to bend with your knees and hands on the floor. Now gently lift your knees off the floor and push your feet two steps backward. Fold your arms at the elbows and keep your forearms flat on the ground clasping your hands. Place your head in your clasped hands. Shoulders should be close to your ears and your body should make a ‘V’ shape. Breathe in while you go up and then remain in this position for a minute or so. Return to normal position and then repeat this asana for 3-4 times on daily basis.

5#Bridge Pose

Setu Bandhasana or Bridge Pose helps in keeping your back straight and improves blood circulation as well. It also improves the reproduction in women and keeps estrogen levels in balance. For this asana you need to lie on the ground on your back with folded knees so that your feet should touch the ground. Now gently lift your back and hips off the floor and make sure that your shoulders are straight. Keep your arms straight and then take deep breath as you push your body upward. Return to your normal position and then repeat this asana for 3-4 times daily to give strength to your spine.

6#Wheel Pose

This is very effective in treating osteoporosis and improves blood circulation in the body as well

Wheel Pose or Urdhva Dhanurasana is very effective in treating osteoporosis and gives strength to your bone but you should start this asana only if you are practicing regular yoga for treating osteoporosis. This asana helps in increasing oxygen in the body and improves blood circulation as well. It also helps in regulating the hormones and keeps legs and arms strengthened.

This is very effective in treating osteoporosis and improves blood circulation in the body as well
This is very effective in treating osteoporosis and improves blood circulation in the body as well

For this asana, lie on your back and place your arms on your head by clasping it from both the sides. Bend your knees and place your feet flat on the ground. When you are ready to push your body upwards then gently push it upwards so that it forms a wheel pose or bow shape. You need to hang your head backwards and then hold this position for some time. Very carefully return back to your normal position and then relax.

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