Monday , 20 May 2024

Top Benefits Of Skin Toning And Home Remedies For Skin Toning

Benefits Of Skin Toning

Cleaning, toning and moisturising should be included in your basic everyday skin care routine. Nevertheless, most of us skip skin toning. Below in the article we have discussed the benefits of skin toning and home made skin toners.

Benefits Of Skin Toning

Top Benefits Of Skin Toning

 Toning help your skin to glow

When you tone your skin regularly your skin gets polished and nourished and glows from inside out.

Makes your skin fair

Include skin toning in your regular morning and night skin care routine to get an even skin tone and a naturally fair skin.

Skin toning prevent acne

Skin toner tightens the skin pores. As the skin pores get tight they do not get clogged and this prevents acne and pimples.

Skin toning cures the whitehead and blackheads

Toning your skin regularly cleans the impurities that is deposited in the skin pores. As your skin gets effectively, cleaned whiteheads and blackheads start diminishing and your skin becomes clean and clear.

Make the skin soft and even

Regular application of skin toner not only makes your skin fair, acne free and free from blemishes and dark spots buteven and soft. Toning nourishes the skin and your skin becomes supple and healthy.

Avoid excess of oil

If you have an oily skin toning the skin reduces the secretion of oil by the skin pores.

Reduces dark spots –

With regular skin toning you will notice gradual reduction in the appearance of the dark spots.

No doubt toning your skin has surprising beauty benefits. To prevent any side effect it is better to use natural and homemade skin toners that do not contain alcohol.

6 Best Homemade Skin Toner

Aloe vera And Rose Skin Toner

Aloe vera brightens the skin, acts as moisturiser and fights acne. It is an antioxidant packed hydrating toner that eases redness. Mix a half-cup of rose water and a half cup of aloe vera gel. Apply the mixture on your clean and dry face.Aloe vera And Rose Skin Toner

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar exfoliate the skin and makes it look even and brighter.

To four teaspoons, Apple Cider Vinegar add a cup of water and a teaspoon of honey. Apply the skin toner everyday.

Rose water

Rose water balances the skin pH naturally. It is antimicrobial and prevents the acne. In addition, it keeps your skin hydrated and also smells great.

To a tablespoon rose water, add a teaspoon lemon juice and a tablespoon alcohol free witch hazel. Mix all the ingredients together and apply to your face with the help of a cotton ball.

Green tea skin toner –

Green tea skin toner is an anti-aging product. It is full of antioxidants. Antioxidants fight free radicals and protects the skin from sun damage and pollution.

Add a teaspoon green tea in one fourth cup of steaming water for about 15 minutes. Once it cools down strain the solution and mix it with 1/8th cup pomegranate juice and 1/8th cup filtered water. Your anti-aging skin toner is ready to use.

Cucumber skin toner for dry skin

If you have a dry skin that lacks moisture you need a skin toner that will keep your skin hydrated. Grate a cucumber and extract the fresh juice. Mix the cucumber juice with three tablespoons fresh aloe vera gel. Blend the ingredients and apply as required.Cucumber skin toner for dry skin

Rice water skin toner

Rice water contains nutrients and antioxidants that are absorbed by the skin and refreshes your face. Soak one-fourth cup rice in water for about two hours. Strain it and then store it in an airtight bottle. When required add 3 teaspoons jasmine rice to one fourth cup of rice water and use it.

Whatever homemade skin toner you use, make sure to keep them in refrigerator and throw away after2-3 days.

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