Monday , 20 May 2024

What Is Cutaneous Candidiasis? Home Remedies For Cutaneous Candidiasis?

What Is Cutaneous Candidiasis

Our skin is home to thousands of microorganisms. Most of the microorganisms that grow on our skin do not cause any issue. However, some microorganisms living on our skin may cause infections such as cutaneous candidiasis.

What Is Cutaneous Candidiasis
What Is Cutaneous Candidiasis

What Are The Causes Of Cutaneous Candidiasis?

Candidiasis is yeast infection that is caused by Candida Albicans. When exposed to favourable temperatures the candida fungus that resides on the mucous membrane of our skin starts to multiply rapidly. Overgrowth of candida fungus mostly happen during warm weather, improper drying of the skin, wearing tight or damp clothes, obesity, weak immune system, use of corticosteroid and antibiotic, infrequent changing of undergarment, poor hygiene and due to intake of medications that affects our immune system.

Anybody can suffer from cutaneous candidiasis including babies. Cutaneous candidiasis is not a contagious skin condition but people with weak immune system may develop this condition after coming in the contact with infected people. This means that people with compromised immune system such as those suffering from AIDS/HIV or diabetes or those taking corticosteroid are at the risk of developing this skin condition.

What Are The Sign And Symptoms Of Cutaneous Candidiasis?

Due to the cutaneous candidiasis infection in the folds of the skin, you develop itchy and red rashes that may spread to other parts of the body. The infection may cause the skin to become cracked or sore and pustules and blisters may form.

The Sign And Symptoms Of Cutaneous Candidiasis
The Sign And Symptoms Of Cutaneous Candidiasis

Cutaneous candidiasis commonly appears in the groin, under the breast, between fingers and in the armpits. It may also develop in the corners of the mouth and in the edges of the nails.

How To Deal With Cutaneous Candidiasis?

It is very important that cutaneous candidiasis istreated timely so that the infection do not spread to the other body areas. By simple home remedies and changes in the lifestyle, you can treat cutaneous candidiasis at home.

Home Remedies To Treat Cutaneous Candidiasis

Coconut oil to treat cutaneous candidiasis – Coconut oil is rich in caprylic acid and lauric acid that renders it antifungal properties. This is why coconut oil is one of the best choices to combat yeast infections. Apply warm coconut oil on the affected area and gently massage so that the oil penetrates deep into the skin. Repeat this several times in a day.

Coconut oil to treat cutaneous candidiasis
Coconut oil to treat cutaneous candidiasis

Garlic to treat cutaneous candidiasis – Garlic contains sulphur-containing compounds that renders it natural antifungal properties. Crush garlic, extract its juice and apply over the affected area. After 5 minuteswash it off with the water. Repeat this is at least two to three times in a day.


* Garlic is a potent home remedy. If it causes allergic contact dermatitis or irritation, better avoid it.

You may also consume two to three cloves of raw garlic daily to boost your immune system.

Yoghurt  to treat cutaneous candidiasis– Yoghurt contains good bacteria that fights off the infection causing microbes and restricts the growth of candida fungus.

Rub a little amount of probiotic rich yoghurt on the affected area. After 5 to 10 minutes,rinse it off with water. Repeat this two time in a day for a few days.

Yoghurt  to treat cutaneous candidiasis
Yoghurt  to treat cutaneous candidiasis

Also, add 2 cups of yoghurt to your daily diet.

Apple cider vinegar to treat cutaneous candidiasis – Being alkaline in nature apple cider vinegar maintains the normal pH of the skin. It is also consumed orally as it has blood sugar lowering properties and thereby keeps the diabetes under control. Being rich in nutrients and minerals, apple cider vinegar boosts the immune system and fights off the infection.

Mix equal amounts of unfiltered apple cider vinegar with water. With the help of a clean cotton ball, apply the solution to the affected areas. Leave it for half an hour and then wash it off with water. Repeat this at least two times daily.

Apple cider vinegar to treat cutaneous candidiasis
Apple cider vinegar to treat cutaneous candidiasis

For oral use, add 2 tablespoons of unfiltered apple cider vinegar to a glass of water. Drink the solution 2 times in a day.

Tea tree oil to treat cutaneous candidiasis – Tea tree is an ancient home remedy to treat many skin diseases. It is antibacterial and anti fungal.

Being potent tea tree oil, should never be used on the skin without dilution. To a teaspoon of olive oil, add 2-3 drops of organic tea tree oil. You may also use almond oil or coconut oil as a carrier oil. Apply the mixture to the affected area and rub it gently. After 30 minutes, rinse it off with warm water. Repeat this at least 3 times in a day.

Tea Tree Oil
Tea Tree Oil

The symptoms of cutaneous candidiasis,resembles other skin issues such as eczema, hives, psoriasis, ringworm, herpes and dermatitis. This is why it is very important to get a proper diagnosis before starting any treatment for cutaneous candidiasis.

Home remedies and lifestyle changes resolves many cases of cutaneous candidiasis but if there, are sores or fissures on the affected area or in cases of recurrent infection it is important to seek medical treatment. Also, if you are suffering from some underlying medical condition such as compromised immune system or diabetes consult your doctor.

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