Monday , 20 May 2024

Factors That Increases Risk Of Early Menopause

Risk Of Early Menopause

Every female enters menopause. A woman enters menopause when she does not have periods for more than 12 months. According to National Institute of Aging an average age for the onset of menopause in the US is above 51 years.However, women may enter menopause sooner or later.

Risk Of Early Menopause
Risk Of Early Menopause

Menopause is when the egg production by the ovaries stop due to the less estrogen (Hormone that controls the reproductive cycle). It is the end of her reproductive phase.

Many females, however, undergo early menopause. Early menopause is the onset of menopause before 40 years of age.

According to the American Heart Association, many changes occur in a female body after menopause that causes blood pressure and bad cholesterol to go up, and there is a decline of good cholesterol or high-density lipoprotein.
According to a study, it was found that early menopause is associated with heart disease and stroke. Some other related health issues are obesity, depression, dementia, osteoporosis and premature death.

This is why it is essential to learn the factors that increase the risk of early menopause and take necessary steps to reduce the risk of early menopause.

Factors That Increases The Risk Of Early Menopause

1. Alcoholism Increases the Risk of Early Menopause-

Females addicted to drinking alcohol,not only experiences early menopause but also other reproductive health issues. The woman addicted to drinking alcohol do not get enough protein, fiber,and vitamins. A nutritional deficiency interferes with female reproductive hormones and triggers disorders such as malnutrition, pancreatic disease,and liver diseases. There is an irregular period, stopping of periods or menopause.

Alcoholism Increases the Risk of Early Menopause
Alcoholism Increases the Risk of Early Menopause

Better stop alcohol intake entirely or do it in moderation. According to Dietary Guidelines,e for Americans, one drink a day for women is considered as moderate alcohol consumption.

2. Smoking Increases the Risk of Early Menopause-

Both being active or passive smoker increases the risk of early menopause in women. Also, it increases the risk of breast cancer and infertility,so it is advised to females to quit smoking also ask your family members and friends to quit smoking.

3. Being Underweight Increases the Risk of Early Menopause-

Women who have body mass index less than 18.5 are more at the risk of early menopause. Eat the right food and follow an exercise regimen to increase your weight to attain a healthy range BMI.

Being Underweight Increases the Risk of Early Menopause
Being Underweight Increases the Risk of Early Menopause

4. Stress May Increase the Risk of Early Menopause-

Too much chronic stress may make you enter early menopause. Both physical and mental stress triggers your ovaries to stop its work. It disrupts the normal menstruation and leads to diabetes, obesity and sleep issues.

5. Auto-immune Diseases Increases the Risk of Menopause-

Auto-immune diseases is where your body mistakes own body portions as invaders and start attacking it. This can affect females reproductive system and cause early menopause. Rheumatoid arthritis and thyroid gland issues are auto-immune diseases commonly linked with early menopause.

6. Surgical Removal of Ovaries Leads to Early Menopause-

Removal of ovaries makes you enter into early menopause because for the release of reproductive hormones, ovaries are responsible. Some of the causes due to which you may need to remove ovaries are endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease or cancerous cyst.

7. Chemotherapy Increases the Risk of Early Menopause-

Females who have to undergo chemotherapy cancer treatment have a highpossibility to enter menopause early as chemotherapy can damage ovaries and stop the production of estrogen.

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