Monday , 20 May 2024

How to Boost Your Child’s Immunity

How to Boost Your Child’s Immunity

It is considered that on average infants and small children get eight bouts of colds, flu, and ear infection in a year. As a mother, you must be worried to see your child picking up cold and cough constantly. This is because the immune system of infants and small children are inexperienced and cannot resist illness for a long time. So they are easily attacked by the virus and gets ill. But slowly, children gain immunity by fighting an ongoing series of disease-causing microbes such as viruses, and other organisms.

How to Boost Your Child’s Immunity
How to Boost Your Child’s Immunity

As a parent what you can do is to make sure that your child adopts healthy habits that will help his body to develop a strong immune system and develop resistance to a wide range of diseases.
Below in this article, I will introduce you to simple and easy ways to boost your kid’s immune system.

Tips to Boost Your Children’s Immune System

Avoid strangers-

Make sure to keep your infant and toddler at a distance from strangers. This does not mean you cannot take your child to public places but do not allow strangers to cuddle, touch or kiss your baby. At least make sure their hands are clean before they touch your baby. Do not feel shy to request someone who is sick to maintain a distance from the baby.

Avoid strangers
Avoid strangers

Maintain hygiene-

Mother and other family members should wash their hands before touching or cuddling the baby. Breastfeeding mothers should clean their nipples before and after feeding the baby. Toddlers and small children’s mother should make sure to wash their hands before cooking and feeding their kids. Child clothes, blankets, bed sheets are washed regularly.

Maintain hygiene
Maintain hygiene

Breast Feeding-

For at least six months child should not be given anything except breast milk. It is better if you continue breastfeeding your baby along with solid food till your baby is two years of age. Mother’s milk contains antibiotics that boost child’s immunity.

Breast Feeding
Breast Feeding

Maintain microbiota of your child-

If your child is above seven months, you can start giving him curd. Curd contains good bacteria that protect the digestive system, fights against harmful bacteria and removes the body toxins.

Buy sheepskin Bed-

A recent survey says that infants who sleep on an animal fur, especially sheep’s fur for three months have been developing a healthy immune system. This is because sheep’ fur has the property to absorb germs.

Playing with earth-

Let your child play with earth, dirt and in the mud. This will expose them to various micro-organisms and natural environmental factors that will help them to develop healthy resistance.

Nutritious Diet-

Make sure the food prepared for the child is rich in all the nutrients such as vitamin D, Zinc, B-complex, proteins, vitamin C and vitamin A. Give more fruits and vegetables.

Nutritious Diet
Nutritious Diet

Boiling water-

The water you give to your child should be boiled. It is better if you make your child drink a glass of lukewarm water every morning. This will clean the toxins.

Besides this make sure your child sleep properly, do not smoke in front of the child and do not force your doctor to prescribe antibiotics in the case of a sore throat, cold flu, and cough or it will make the child’s immune system lazy.

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