Monday , 20 May 2024

Here Are Some Natural and Useful Ways To Smooth Your Cracked Heels

Natural and Useful Ways To Smooth Your Cracked Heels

Cracked heels are a common problem with which almost every person deals with in everyday life. They appear in any season and cause discomfort and pain in the heels if ignored. Cracked heels are mainly caused due to dry skin, dry weather especially in winters, less consumption of water and due to medical problems like diabetes and so on.

Natural and Useful Ways To Smooth Your Cracked Heels
Natural and Useful Ways To Smooth Your Cracked Heels

Cracked Heels are Very Painful and they should be Treated well

Taking proper care of the feet will not only treat the cracked heels but also prevents them from cracking every now and then. Here are some natural ways to take care of your cracked heels at home.

1# Scrubbing

The first and foremost step to take care of your heels is to scrub them with pumice stone everyday. Soak your feet in warm water with liquid soap for about 20 minutes and then scrub off the dead cells from your feet. Scrub off dead cells by using a pumice stone and then wash your feet with clean water. Pat dry your feet and apply a foot cream on your feet to lock the moisture right away and to avoid drying up of your feet. Repeat this process 2-3 times in a week to get soft and smooth feet.

2# Lemon Juice And Vaseline

 Lemon juice and Vaseline helps in locking the moisture in the skin and keeps it soft

A mixture of lemon juice and Vaseline helps in treating cracked heels and retains moisture in the feet as well for longer hours. You need to soak your feet in warm water for at least 15 minutes and then pat dry your skin. Apply lemon juice and Vaseline mixture on your feet and massage it well. Wear cotton socks and leave it overnight. Wash your feet with normal water in the morning and this will give you soft and smooth feet everyday. Repeat this process 4-5 times in a day.

Lemon juice and Vaseline helps in locking the moisture in the skin and keeps it soft
Lemon juice and Vaseline helps in locking the moisture in the skin and keeps it soft

3# Rice Flour

Rice flour is an exfoliating scrub that removes dead cells from the skin and leaves it smooth and clean. Just take around 2 tbsp of rice flour and add 2 tsp of apple cider vinegar and honey to it. Mix them well to form a paste and then scrub your feet for at least 10 minutes using this scrub. Wash off the scrub with normal water and then pat dry your feet. Do this every alternate day in a week to get the desired results.

4# Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is great when it comes to moisturizing properties as it treats the dry skin well by absorbing well in the skin. It removes the dead skin cells from the surface of the skin and provides excellent hydration to the skin. After washing your feet and drying t our completely, apply coconut oil on your feet. Leave it overnight on your feet and cover your feet with cotton socks. Wash off your feet in the morning to get soft and smooth feet.

 5# Paraffin Wax

 Paraffin wax and coconut oil helps in moisturizing and heals cracked feet

This wax also helps in treating cracked heels naturally as it retains moisture in your feet and makes them soft and smooth. Melt some paraffin wax and mix it with some coconut oil. Now, apply this mixture on your cracked heels before going to the bed. To avoid staining and to let this mixture stay on your feet, cover your feet with a pair of socks. Leave it overnight on your feet and then remove the socks next morning. Wash your feet with water and you will get soft and smooth feet.

Paraffin wax and coconut oil helps in moisturizing and heals cracked feet
Paraffin wax and coconut oil helps in moisturizing and heals cracked feet

6# Oatmeal

Oatmeal is a great exfoliating agent for the skin and it nourishes the skin as well from deep within. Take 1 tbsp of oatmeal powder and add few drops of jojoba oil in it. Now, mix them well and then apply this mixture on your cracked heels by gently rubbing it on your skin for 10 minutes. Leave it for half an hour on your skin and then wash off your skin with normal water. Jojoba oil moisturizes your skin well and oatmeal removes all the dead skin cells from your cracked heels to make them smooth and soft.

 7# Neem Leaves

Neem leaves treats the cracked up heels and they have antimicrobial properties to keep dry skin at bay. Neem leaves have soothing effect on the dry and cracked heels. Take handful of neem leaves and make a fine paste. To this paste add 3 tsp of turmeric powder. Mix them well and apply this paste on the affected area. Leave this paste for half an hour on your cracked heels and then wash off your feet with lukewarm water. Your feet will be soft, smooth and cleaner than before.

 8# Salt Water

 Salt water helps in softening the skin and removes dead skin cells from the feet

Salt water also help in softening the dead skin cells and dry skin by hydrating your skin well. Take half a bucket of warm water and add 2 tsp of salt in it.

 Salt water helps in softening the skin and removes dead skin cells from the feet
Salt water helps in softening the skin and removes dead skin cells from the feet

Mix it well and then keep your feet in this water for around 15 minutes. Now, soak your feet in cold water as this will increase the blood circulation in your feet. Pat it dry and then apply a good moisturizer to your feet to get rid of cracked feet.

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