Friday , 17 May 2024

12 Diabetes-Friendly Foods

12 Diabetes-Friendly Foods

People with diabetes believe that their food options are limited. No doubt they are required to abandon foods high in the glycemic index, but there are many other healthy as well as tasty food choices for them. Learn about diabetic friendly foods in our post.

12 Diabetes-Friendly Foods
12 Diabetes-Friendly Foods


Beans are high in fibre and protein. Consuming a cup of beans or any other legume daily will keep the sugar level under control. A few varieties of beans to consider are of kidney beans, black, white, pinto and Lima. Better soak beans overnight before cooking. Sprouted Beans are also preferred as it enhances the digestibility and nutritional quality of beans.



Asparagus increases the level of insulin and keeps the blood sugar level in check. It is a non-starchy vegetable rich in antioxidant. It eases the effect of ageing and reduces the risk of diseases like diabetes, heart disease and cancer. It is also high in fol ate and B vitamins thus it minimizes the risk of heart diseases.


3.Whole Grains-

Whole grains are rich in fibre. Include whole wheat flour, brown rice, buckwheat, wild rice, whole rye and quinoa in your daily diet. Instead of white bread or pasta eat whole grain bread and pasta.


Broccoli is known to decrease the blood glucose level. The compound present in it controls diabetes. It contains sulfonamides that is also present in sprouts and other calciferous vegetables and lowers the blood sugar level. Broccoli is fibrous, it is filling and makes you eat less. It is a rich source of vitamin C.Incorporate broccoli in your diet. You may add it to salads, soups, vegetable casserole or saute broccoli in olive oil or toss it with soya sauce or garlic to make it tasty.

*If you have thyroid issues better avoid broccoli.


Oatmeal is whole grain. It is rich in fibres that minimize sugar spiking and improves insulin sensitivity. The fibre present in oats is in the form of beta-glucans. Beta-glucans are soluble fibres that bulk up oats, slows the breakdown and absorption of crabs. Along with decreasing fasting insulin level oats also improve blood pressure and cholesterol.



Barley is known as “Food for the gladiators”. It contains various nutrients along with fiber that decreases the level of blood glucose and increases the production of healthy gut bacteria that secretes hormones that decrease appetite and also reduces the risk of cardiac disease. A cup of barley contains 14 g of total fiber, 3 g soluble fiber, 11g insoluble fiber. Incorporate barley into our diet


Eat whole grain bread containing barley, add it to soups and stews, substitute barely for potatoes and rice or mix it with salads.


Walnuts is high in polyunsaturated fats. It fights heart disease and improves blood sugar levels. Polyunsaturated fats prevent and slow the progression of diabetes and cardiac disease. Other nuts such as pistachios, almonds and pecans also are rich in beneficial fats. Being low in carbs and high in fat and protein, nuts stabilises blood sugar. Add a and handful of nuts to your everyday diet regimen.


Quinoa is a whole grain that is rich in protein and is a great substitute for white rice or white pasta. Half cup quinoa contains 4 grams of protein and 3 grams fiber. It is digested slowly, thus keeps you full and prevents your blood sugar spike. Quinoa is a complete protein as it contains all nine essential amino acids. Also, it contains minerals, magnesium and iron that keeps you healthy.



Spinach is rich in magnesium. Magnesium helps the insulin to absorb glucose in your blood,andthus it manages the level of blood sugar more efficiently. Also, it is rich in folate, vitamin K and vitamin B complex. It is a low carb food.Add baby spinach to salads, or drink its smoothie. You may also saute it with olive oil and garlic.


Salmon is high in protein and omega-3 fatty acids. It keeps your heart healthy lowers the blood pressure and improves the level of cholesterol. Also, it is good for people with diabetes.


Unsweetened whole berries, are rich in antioxidants, fiber and vitamins. Add them to salads, cereals or smoothies.


12. Citrus Fruit-

Citrus fruits such as grapefruit or oranges are a rich source of fibre. Eat whole fruit instead of drinking the juice.

Citrus Fruit
Citrus Fruit

So as you can see even if you have diabetes, your food choices are not limited. There are so many diabetic friendly foods you can enjoy to keep your blood sugar level under control and stay healthy.

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